American Taliban

American Taliban:

Updated January 25, 2007 and April 19, 2005 (originally published November 24, 2004)

The “War on Terror” has provided Americans with a helpful introduction to theocracy. The fight against Al Qaeda, the war on the Taliban, and the growing tensions with the regime in Iran has offered a quick primer on the hallmarks of the religious state. First is the rule of religious authorities, whether it be Bin Laden’s new Caliphate, Mullah Omar’s Taliban regime, or the mullahs in Tehran. Second is the imposition of the faith’s sacred texts as law, in these cases, some variant of sharia law of the Koran. And last is the direct involvement of the state in the most minute and deeply personal aspects of individual lives, enforced by religious police, informed by spies, and punished severely (and often publicly).

Now thanks to the Bush administration, a Republican Congress and the conservative ascendancy, Americans need not travel to Kandahar to learn about the perils of theocratic rule. Right here in the United States, a network of politicians, religious leaders, “faith-based” organizations and (literally) their amen corner are working overtime to make a particularly onerous concept of Christianity the de facto law of the land. Armed with the Bible in one hand and the Patriot Act in the other, George W. Bush and his GOP jihadists threaten to fundamentally change the role of government in monitoring Americans’ lives, liberties and even bodies.

MORE: American Taliban:

(Side note: though some of these people are not in the public eye and/or are dead and rotting in the ground being eaten by maggots, it DOES NOT mean they are gone for god, keep in mind; Bush #41, Dick-Head Cheney and Rummy all worked with and in circles that includes those of the like of Nixon and have been pissed since that time, that he was treated the way he was…and now they want revenge. ALWAYS keep in mind, there mythical god is indeed a revengeful and cruel god, they admire this, live for this, and the more people that suffer because if them, the happier they are. They truly are scum of the earth an always remember to treat them, and those like them, like that!)

Quotes from the The American Taliban:

“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren’t punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That’s war. And this is war.” ~ Anne Coulter

“Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the bible to guide their public and private lives do not belong in office.” ~ Beverly LaHaye (Concerned Women for America)


3 responses

  1. […] American Taliban: Updated January 25, 2007 and April 19, 2005 (originally published November 24, 2004) The “War on Terror” has provided Americans with a helpful introduction to theocracy. The fight against Al Qaeda, the war on the Taliban, and the growing tensions with the regime in Iran has offered a quick primer on the hallmarks… — Read on […]


  2. […] American Taliban Also go here for many more interesting reading to pass along and do a search of any topic. The […]


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