If It Wasn’t For Big Government

March 15, 2012, by fidlerten

If it wasn’t for Big Government – we would be driving on dirt roads and it would probably take us months to drive from the East Coast to the West Coast or vice versa. And, if we did decide to make a trip across the country, we had better bring a boat because we’ll need it to cross the many rivers that our country has.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – we would be probably still using outhouses or at least we’d all have our own septic tanks that we’d have to maintain because there would be no water treatment plants or sewage systems to carry our human waste away from our homes. We would also need to dig our own wells so that we could all get water.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – many of us wouldn’t be alive because we would have died of disease from eating food that wasn’t healthy or drinking water that was polluted.  Or we may have died of avoidable accidents because of unsafe equipment or unsafe automobiles or a thousand other things that are regularly inspected by Big Government to assure their safety.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – we’d all be working for pennies if that – employers could pay whatever they could get away with paying us. We could also forget about being discriminated against or feeling safe about using certain equipment that was part of our job to use. In other words, we’d be at the total mercy of Big Business.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – Many of us would need to learn home remedies for illness and hopefully those home remedies work because we would be in trouble if we got sick and didn’t have the means to pay for health care.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – Many of us would need to work until we fall over and hopefully that would be into the grave because there would be no safety net that would give us any kind of retirement to take care of us in our old age. Our elderly would need to depend on their families if they could no longer work and didn’t have money to afford long-term care. And if you didn’t have family to take care of you – you’d just be out of luck – might as well find a grave to fall into.

It if it wasn’t for Big Government, many of our children would be uneducated with many of them illiterate and unable to even do simple math, which in turn would be our future America and would place us far below in the ranks compared to other countries as far as our economy and our ability to produce technology and a skilled and trained workforce

I could go on and on and find all kinds of things that Big Government provides that we take for granted and depend on.  I bring all this up because Republicans would have us to believe that we actually only want a really small government – one that is big enough to fight multiple wars, enforce strict abortion limits and build prisons for all the criminals in this country, including abortion doctors.

It reminds me of the Tea Party protest sign at one of the Tea Party rallies back in 2009 or 2010 which said “Keep Your Government Hands off of My Medicare” which shows the level of ignorance by those on the far right when it comes to government, being that Medicare is a government program.

Big Government is the collectiveness of us all – it is what we make it to be. It can be smaller when we starve it of funds but we must be ready to deal with the consequences of a smaller government. Most Republicans don’t really want smaller government; they just want a government that does more of what they want and less of what they think they don’t want, which means they really don’t know what they want.

And, what Democrats want is a government that can keep up our infrastructure by building and maintaining roads and schools; provide a safety net for our most neediest citizens, protect us from being ruled by tyranny, protect us from disease, safety hazards, workplace discrimination and abuse and numerous other things that may not be something we see every day but we well know that government takes care of.

It is naïve for one to think that our civil society can go on just fine without Big Government.  It is also just a deception when Republican lawmakers say they want a small federal government and states to take care of their own. State governments count on federal government for so many things and without federal dollars, many of them would be in great trouble in so many ways, as far as natural disasters, schools and all sorts of building projects that help their states to keep up with growing populations and ever-increasing needs to maintain so many things.

What we need is a Big Government that’s not overly influenced by Big Business because Big Business is what is behind Big Government when it does corrupt things that are against the welfare of the People as a whole. We must stop seeing Big Government as being the problem but focus instead on those who’re pulling the strings of Big Government, namely – Big Business. When we do this, we’ll see a Big Government that is doing things for the People as a whole and not just what suits the wealthiest among us.



2 responses

  1. Reblogged this on Under The LobsterScope and commented:
    I liked this one. Made lots of sense.


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